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The ``list_locks`` management command allows you to **view all current locks**, which may be useful for troubleshooting,
e.g. checking whether or not a lock name really is locked, and what locked it

Below is an excerpt from the help ``./ list_locks --help``::
    List all locks that were set using Privex's django-lockmgr package

There are no arguments nor switches available for this command.

**Example usage**

.. code-block:: bash

    # Create the two locks 'hello' and 'world'
    ./ set_lock hello world

        Finished creating / renewing 2 locks.
    ./ list_locks

        There are currently 2 active locks using Privex Django-LockMgr
        <Lock name='hello' locked_by='' lock_process='None' locked_until='2019-11-22 00:49:02.264729+00:00'>
        <Lock name='world' locked_by='' lock_process='None' locked_until='2019-11-22 00:49:02.267728+00:00'>

from import BaseCommand, CommandParser
from lockmgr import lockmgr
from lockmgr.models import Lock

[docs]class Command(BaseCommand): help = "List all locks that were set using Privex's django-lockmgr package"
[docs] def __init__(self): super(Command, self).__init__()
[docs] def handle(self, *args, **options): lockmgr.clean_locks() # Clean up any locks due for expiration. lock_count = Lock.objects.count() print() print(f"There are currently {lock_count} active locks using Privex Django-LockMgr") print("\n=========================================================\n") for l in Lock.objects.all(): print( f"<Lock name='{}' locked_by='{l.locked_by}' lock_process='{l.lock_process}' " f"locked_until='{l.locked_until}'>" ) print("\n=========================================================\n")