Source code for

The ``set_lock`` management command allows you to **create / renew locks** using django-lockmgr from the command line.

If you don't specify any behaviour switches such as ``--no-renew`` or ``--fail``, then set_lock will create any
locks which aren't already locked, and renew any locks which are already locked.

Below is an excerpt from ``./ set_lock --help`` (added at 21 Nov @ 9 PM UTC)::

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -n, --no-renew        Do not renew any locks which already exist
  -r, --only-renew      Only renew existing locks, do not create new ones.
  -k, --no-timeout      Never expire these locks (--timeout will be ignored). They must be manually unlocked.
  -t TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT     Lock timeout in seconds (default 600)
  -e, --fail            Return an error (exit code 2) if one or more locks already exist. (will not create/renew ANY
  passed locks if one of the passed lock names exists)

The ``-e`` or ``--fail`` option can be a useful option when you're wanting to set multiple locks in unison, but
you need to be sure that all of the locks are set at the same time - and if any of the locks already exist, any
of the locks specified should not be created / be rolled back.

Below is an example of this special feature in use:

.. code-block:: bash
    user@host ~ $ ./ set_lock example
     > Lock example did not yet exist. Successfully locked 'example' - expiry: 2019-11-21 15:30:03.857412

    user@host ~ $ ./ set_lock -e hello world example

     > Lock hello did not yet exist. Successfully locked 'hello' - expiry: 2019-11-21 15:30:27.706378

     > Lock world did not yet exist. Successfully locked 'world' - expiry: 2019-11-21 15:30:27.709321
     !!! An existing lock was found:
     !!!     <Lock name='example' locked_by='Chriss-iMac-Pro.local' locked_until='2019-11-21 15:30:03.857412'>
     !!! As you have specified -e / --fail, any locks created during this session will now be
     !!! rolled back for your safety.
     !!! Any locks created during this session should now have been removed.

    user@host ~ $ ./ list_locks
    There are currently 1 active locks using Privex Django-LockMgr
    <Lock name='example' locked_by='' lock_process='None' locked_until='2019-11-21 15:30:03.857412'>

import sys

from import BaseCommand, CommandParser
from privex.helpers import is_true
from privex.loghelper import LogHelper

from lockmgr import lockmgr
from lockmgr.lockmgr import LockFail, set_lock

import logging

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

LOG_FORMATTER = logging.Formatter('[%(asctime)s]: %(name)-35s -> %(funcName)-10s : %(levelname)-8s:: %(message)s\n')

[docs]class Command(BaseCommand): help = "Add and/or renew locks using Privex's django-lockmgr package"
[docs] def __init__(self): super(Command, self).__init__()
[docs] def add_arguments(self, parser: CommandParser): parser.add_argument( 'locks', type=str, nargs='+', help='One or more lockmgr lock names (as positional args) to create/renew' ) parser.add_argument('-n', '--no-renew', action='store_true', dest='no_renew', default=False, help='Do not renew any locks which already exist') parser.add_argument('-r', '--only-renew', action='store_true', dest='only_renew', default=False, help='Only renew existing locks, do not create new ones.') parser.add_argument( '-k', '--no-timeout', action='store_true', dest='no_timeout', default=False, help='Never expire these locks (--timeout will be ignored). They must be manually unlocked.' ) parser.add_argument('-t', '--timeout', dest='timeout', default=600, type=int, help='Lock timeout in seconds (default 600)') parser.add_argument('-e', '--fail', action='store_true', dest='fail', default=False, help='Return an error (exit code 2) if one or more locks already exist. ' '(will not create/renew ANY passed locks if one of the passed lock names exists)') parser.add_argument('--locked-by', dest='locked_by', default=None, type=str, help='Set a custom "locked_by" string (defaults to system hostname)') parser.add_argument('--pid', '--process-id', dest='process_id', default=None, type=int, help='Set a custom "lock_process" integer ID (defaults to None)')
[docs] def handle(self, *args, **options): _lh = LogHelper(__name__, formatter=LOG_FORMATTER, handler_level=logging.INFO) _lh.add_console_handler() _lh.get_logger().propagate = False lockmgr.clean_locks() # Clean up any locks due for expiration. fail = is_true(options['fail']) no_renew = is_true(options['no_renew']) only_renew = is_true(options['only_renew']) no_timeout = is_true(options['no_timeout']) locks: list = options['locks'] process_id: int = int(options['process_id']) if options['process_id'] is not None else None locked_by: str = options['locked_by'] timeout = None if no_timeout else int(options['timeout']) lock_args = dict(expires=timeout, locked_by=locked_by, lock_process=process_id) if len(locks) == 0: print('No lock names specified.') return _create = False if only_renew else True _renew = False if no_renew else True try: res = set_lock( *locks, timeout=timeout, locked_by=locked_by, process_id=process_id, fail=fail, create=_create, renew=_renew ) print(f"Finished creating / renewing {len(locks)} locks.\n") print("\n====================Status Report=====================\n") print(f" Per-lock:\n") print("\t\t{:<20}{:<20}{:<20}{:<20}\n".format("Name", "Was Locked?", "Now Locked?", "Status")) for lck_name, lres in res.statuses: print("\t\t{:<20}{:<20}{:<20}{:<20}".format( lck_name, 'YES' if lres.was_locked else 'NO', 'YES' if lres.locked else 'NO', lres.status )) print("\n========================================================\n") print(" Summary:\n") print(f" Locks Created: {res.counts['created']}") print(f" Locks Renewed: {res.counts['renewed']}") print(f" Renewals Skipped: {res.counts['skip_renew']}") print(f" Creations Skipped: {res.counts['skip_create']}") except LockFail as e: print("\n---------------------------------------------------------------------------\n") print(" [] Caught exception LockFail while creating/setting locks...") print(" [] The following existing lock was encountered:\n") print(f"\t{e.lock}\n") print(" >>> As you have set -e / --fail, this means that any lock creations or updates triggered during " "this run of set_lock should have been rolled back.") print(" >>> If in doubt, run './ list_locks' to view all current locks.\n") print(" !!! Now exiting with return code 2...\n") return sys.exit(2) print("") print("\n=========================================================\n") print("Finished creating / renewing locks.") print("\n=========================================================\n")